After the first week we really got going. We did unimaginable things like consulting the blueprints to see what had to be done. We carefully laid out the dimensions for all the parts on the lumber and cut out the pieces. We then threw the various cut-out parts up in the air in the hope that they would land in the correct place and we could glue them together. Turned out that didn't work! So it was back to the drawing board where we built the thing shown right below.
These forms are cut and sanded and laid out very carefully. If this is all done correctly the boat should come together correctly.
First piece on is the deck, aka floor of the boat.
February 28, 2009
Next to come is the first of the laps, the garboard plank. As with the deck it takes several fittings to finally get it right... Most of the morning to be correct and then on the starboard side to do it all over again in the afternoon.
Finally both sides get glued and screwed. The screws are only there to maintain the correct contact piece to piece as the epoxy dries. They will be removed after the glue sets up, about 24 hours, or in this case a week later.
The end of another day a little time to admire another accomplishment. Museum staff wonders in and decides it's beginning to look like a boat. That's it for February.
What, no discussion of the chili?
You consulted blueprints? Who *are* you?
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